Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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DOS Batch File
208 lines
Echo Off
If "%1" == "" Goto Usage
Echo **************************************
Echo ** EZPOINT **
Echo ** BinkleyTerm Point Installation **
Echo ** Copyright 1989-90 by Ron Bemis **
Echo ** All rights reserved. **
Echo **************************************
Echo **************************************
Echo ** BATCH file MODIFIED to remove **
Echo ** RONSET (expires 1-1-91), and to **
Echo ** use EZSETUP.EXE for questions **
Echo ** **
Echo ** EZINSTALL v1.08 **
Echo ** **
Echo ** Dean Lachan 1:124/4115@fidonet **
Echo **************************************
Echo At any point during this install process, you may press Control-C to abort
If "%BBS" == "" Goto NoEnv
Echo Enviroment Variable BBS should be %1\Bink - Actual is %BBS%
Echo If these do not match, you will need to make changes in your AutoExec.bat
Echo to reflect these changes.
Set BBS=%1\Bink
if "%BBS%" == "" Goto NoBBSEnv
if NOT "%2" == "" Goto MiscOK
Rem ************************************************************************
Rem Please send comments, suggestions, and improvements to Ron Bemis at
Rem FidoNet 124/1113. I spent a lot of time creating this. If you do
Rem modify this batch file, please leave my copyright notice above intact.
Rem I think I deserve that much.
Rem ************************************************************************
Rem A Note from Dean Lachan
Rem o Basically almost all of the ENVIROMENT Variables were REMOVED, as many
Rem systems had problems with the setup.
Rem o RonSet dies on 1-1-91, so that needed to be REMOVED also.
Rem o By running everything from an executable, it made installation easier.
Rem *************************************************************************
If Exist $EzTest$.Tmp Del $EzTest$.Tmp
Rem Make sure Binkley is here
If Exist BBig*.Zip Goto BtOK
Echo There is no BBig*.Zip in this directory!
Echo Error > $EzTest$.Tmp
Rem Make sure EZPoint is here
If Exist EZPoint.Zip Goto EZPOK
Echo There is no EZPoint.Zip in this directory!
Echo Error > $EzTest$.Tmp
Rem Make sure X00 is here
If Exist X00*.Zip Goto X00OK
Echo There is no X00*.Zip in this directory!
Echo Error > $EzTest$.Tmp
Rem Make sure EZsetup.Exe is here
If Exist EZsetup.Exe Goto RunOK
Echo There is no Ezsetup.Exe in this directory!
Echo Error > $EzTest$.Tmp
Rem Make sure Misc.Zip is here
If Exist Misc.Zip Goto MiscOK
Echo There is no Misc.Zip in this directory!
Echo Error > $EzTest$.Tmp
Rem Make sure Ctrl is here
If Exist Ctrl.Zip Goto CtrlOK
Echo There is no Ctrl.Zip in this directory!
Echo Error > $EzTest$.Tmp
Rem Make sure PKUNZIP is available
If Exist Test Del Test
If Exist Test Goto GotUnZip
Echo I can't find PKUNZIP in your PATH.
Echo Error > $EzTest$.Tmp
Rem Check for errors
If Exist Test Del Test
If Exist $EzTest$.Tmp Goto Exit
if NOT "%2" == "" Goto CtrlInst
MKdir %1\Bink
MKdir %1\Bink\In
MKdir %1\Bink\Out
MKdir %1\Bink\Msg
MKdir %1\Bink\Bin
Rem Install Binkley
PkUnZip -o BBig* %1\Bink\Bin BtBig.Exe Btctl.Exe
PkUnZip -o BBig* %1\Bink Binkley.Lng
Rem Install EZPoint
PkUnZip -o EZPoint %1\Bink\Bin EZPoint.Exe
Rem Install X00
PkUnZip -o X00* %1\Bink\Bin X00.Sys
Rem Install Control files
PkUnZip -o Ctrl *.Cfg *.Bat *.Txt *.Lst
PkUnZip -o Ctrl %1\Bink *.Evt
PkUnZip -o Misc %1\Bink\Bin Key-Fake.*
Rem Setup with EZSetup..
EZSetup %1
If Errorlevel 20 Goto OkayRet
If Errorlevel 6 Goto NoBBSEnv
If Errorlevel 5 Goto FileErr
If Errorlevel 4 Goto Warning
If Errorlevel 3 Goto Exit
If Errorlevel 2 Goto Usage
If Errorlevel 1 Goto Exit
Goto Exit
Rem Create C:\Autoexec.New, new lines for C:\Autoexec.Bat
Echo Add these lines to C:\Autoexec.Bat:> C:\Autoexec.New
Echo.>> C:\Autoexec.New
Echo Path %1\Bink\Bin;...{whatever you had before}>> C:\Autoexec.New
Echo Set Bbs=%1\Bink>> C:\Autoexec.New
Echo Set Binkley=%1\Bink\>> C:\Autoexec.New
Echo.>> C:\Autoexec.New
Rem Create C:\Config.New, new lines for C:\Config.Sys
Echo Add to or change C:\Config.Sys to include these lines:> C:\Config.New
Echo.>> C:\Config.New
Echo Break=On>> C:\Config.New
Echo Buffers=60>> C:\Config.New
Echo Files=30>> C:\Config.New
Echo Device=%1\Bink\Bin\X00.Sys E>> C:\Config.New
Rem Notify the user of what he needs to change himself
Echo The file C:\Autoexec.New has been created. It should be merged into
Echo your current C:\Autoexec.Bat.
Echo The file C:\Config.New has been created. It should be merged into
Echo your current C:\Config.Sys.
Echo After editing these two files, you should reboot your system and you
Echo should be off and running! Just type "RUNBINK" at the DOS prompt.
Echo When in Binkley's unattended mode, the functions keys will do the
Echo following things (Press Shift-PrtSc to print this screen) :
Echo F1 - HELP Notice F2 - scan all messages
Echo F3 - F4 -
Echo F5 - read/write messages F6 - process incoming mail
Echo F7 - renumber/purge messages F8 -
Echo F9 - F10 - Poll bossnode
Echo If you want to edit just setup, and not reinstall the drives, have CTRL.ZIP
Echo and the INSTALL.BAT and EZSETUP.EXE file and type:
Echo INSTALL [drive] SETUP
Goto Exit
Echo Wow! No Enviroment Space is available. You must have the Enviroment
Echo variable BBS set to the following in your AutoExec.Bat file:
Echo SET BBS=%1\Bink
Echo You may need to modify your CONFIG.SYS file to add enviroment space.
Echo This is using the /E:xxx command on the SHELL= statement in CONFIG.SYS
Echo While you are editing your Autoexec.Bat file, you should modify your
Echo file to add the following:
Echo Path %1\Bink\Bin;...{whatever you had before}
Echo Set Bbs=%1\Bink
Echo Set Binkley=%1\Bink\
Goto Exit
Echo Usage: Setup [drive] (ie. INSTALL J: [SETUP])
Goto Exit
Echo Not Enough Space
Goto Exit
If Exist $EzTest$.Tmp Del $EzTest$.Tmp